Introduction to Monitoring
The Introduction Presentation provides an introduction to Adopt-A-Stream and the different elements of the program. It is used at the Getting to Know Your Watershed Workshop.
Introduction to Georgia Adopt-A-Stream PowerPoint (color backgrounds with transitions and notes- for presenting)
Intro to Monitoring PDF Presentation (blank background, no notes- for printing)
Chemical (Freshwater, Lake and Coastal)
The Chemical Monitoring Presentation provides background information on chemical parameters like dissolved oxygen and pH. It is used at the Chemical Monitoring Workshop.
Chemical PowerPoint
(color backgrounds with transitions and notes- for presenting)
Chemical PDF Presentation (blank background, no notes- for printing)
The Bacterial Monitoring Presentation covers collecting samples, plating, and counting E.coli colonies on bacterial plates. It is used at the Bacterial Monitoring Workshop.
Bacterial PowerPoint (color backgrounds with transitions and notes- for presenting)
Bacterial PDF Presentation (blank background, no notes- for printing)
The Macroinvertebrate Monitoring Presentation provides an overview of macroinvertebrate identification. It is used at the Macroinvertebrate Monitoring Workshop.
Macroinvertebrate PowerPoint (color backgrounds with transitions and notes- for presenting)
Macroinvertebrate PDF Presentation (blank background, no notes- for printing)
Workshop Presentations
Adopt-A-Stream's workshop presentations can serve as great study guides before attending a workshop or as a quick refresher for seasoned volunteers! They include all of the important information that will be covered in the QA/QC test plus additional background information.