Workshop Descriptions Example (NOT OFFICIAL)
Getting Started with Adopt-A-Stream
This workshop is based on the Getting To Know Your Watershed manual and helps new volunteers learn the ins-and-outs of getting started with the Adopt-A-Stream program. Though it isn't required, we highly recommend it.
The workshop is in two sections, watershed surveys and map assessments in the first half and stream survey in the second half.
- Conducting a Watershed Survey: You'll learn how to register any streams, wetands, and lakes you'll be monitoring.
- Map Assessment: Learn how to use maps to delineate and assess your watershed. We'll also discuss land use and impervious surfaces as they relate to the watershed survey data forms.
- Visual Stream Survey: The second half of the survey takes place at a stream where you'll perform a stream survey. This includes taking a cross section and calculating flow.
4 hours
Chemical Monitoring Workshop for Quality Assurance
In this workshop, you'll learn basic stream water chemistry and how to use hand-held field equipment for testing. Basic tests include dissolved oxygen, conductivity, pH, and temperature, while advanced tests may include alkalinity, phosphate, or nitrate-nitrogen.
Next, you'll perform written and field tests to assess the accuracy and precision of your data collection. If you want to be considered a Quality Assurance/Quality Control (QA/QC) volunteer for 1 year, you collected data must fall within a 10% accuracy range and you must score at least an 80% on the written exam.
4 hours**
Macroinvertebrate Monitoring Workshop for Quality Assurance
Learn how to sample the biological aspects of a stream. The macroinvertebrates (insects, mollusks, & crustaceans) found in a stream are excellent indicators of the condition of both water quality and habitat. This workshop will focus on collection techniques for either rocky or muddy bottom streams and macroinvertebrate identification. A quality assurance test is available at the end of the workshop for those who wish to test their skills. Volunteers who identify the macroinvertebrates with 90% accuracy and pass the written test with a score of 80% or better will be considered a QA/QC volunteer for one year.
5 hours
Bacterial Monitoring Workshop for Quality Assurance
The Bacterial Monitoring Workshop will teach volunteers how to monitor E. coli levels in their streams. E. coliis an indicator organism that is often used to assess the water quality. Monitoring levels of E. coli can help identify possible sources of pollution. This workshop will focus on proper collection of a water sample; transfer of sample onto plates that will be incubated, and proper interpretation of results. Volunteers who successfully perform the bacterial monitoring and pass the written test with a score of 90% or better will be considered a QA/QC volunteer for one year.
4 hours**
Amphibian Monitoring Workshop
Learn how to monitor for amphibians (frogs and salamanders), through passive methods. Amphibians are found in a variety of upland and aquatic habitats including streams, wetlands, and lakes. This workshop will focus on the instruction of monitoring techniques including treefrog refugia, coverboards, and frog calls. Volunteers will also be instructed on general life history, site setup, safe handling procedures of amphibians and the need to gather life history information critical for conservation planning. Volunteers who attend will be considered an amphibian monitoring volunteer.
3 hours
Wetland Monitoring Workshop
Adopt-A-Stream’s Wetland Monitoring Program immerses participants into the amazing world of wetlands. During this workshop, participants will learn about Georgia’s wetland types and how to classify wetlands based on their soils, hydrology and vegetation. The workshop will also introduce them to challenges facing wetlands and provide the tools necessary to participate in their protection. Volunteers who attend will be considered a freshwater wetland monitoring volunteer.
3 hours
Educator’s Guide Workshop
Adopt-A-Stream Educator’s Guide is designed to introduce the Adopt-A-Stream monitoring program to students across Georgia. These activities will bring water quality education to your classroom and spark your students’ interest in protecting our precious water resources. During this workshop, educators will participate in several of these activities and learn how to use them in the classroom. Teachers will then be asked to submit a detailed report on how they use the Adopt-A-Stream Educator’s Guide as an educational tool. This workshop is suitable for formal and non-formal teachers.
5 hours
Are you an educator? Take any combination of Adopt-A-Stream workshops totalling 10 hours, and you can get 1 PLU credit!
**Includes a 90-minute introduction to the workshop.