Wetland Monitoring

Is there a wetland you walk through to watch birds, monitor water quality, or that you use to teach environmental education? If you are working on a wetland or if there is a wetland in your neighborhood that you would like to monitor or protect, we encourage you to join the Adopt-A-Wetland. The purpose of the Adopt-A-Wetland program is to heighten awareness of wetlands and their values. If you are new to wetlands, contact the Georgia Adopt-A-Stream program and ask for a Wetland Monitoring Manual. This manual will introduce you to the functions and values of wetlands and to the basics of understanding the plants, soils and hydrology in wetlands. If you have been working with a wetland, we encourage you to register your wetland. By registering your wetland, you are letting others in the State know about your efforts to protect, monitor or study wetlands. The registration form is located in the Getting To Know Your Watershed Manual.

The first Adopt-A-Wetland workshop, held April, 1998 at the Georgia Wildlife Federation Alcovy Greenway.

Dr. Joe Richardson, from Savannah State University, leads an Adopt-A-Wetland workshop in a coastal marsh.


Students from the Columbus area learn about wetlands at the Oxbow Meadows Environmental Center.



Dr. Stephen Golladay talks about the wetlands at the Jones Ecological Research Center in Newton, Georgia.


Wetland Monitoring Links:

EPA Wetland site

National Wetlands Inventory - US Fish and Wildlife Service

Society of Wetland Scientists

Save Our Streams Handbook for Wetlands Conservation and Sustainability

University of Florida Aquatic plant information retrieval system ***LINK NOT FOUND***

Southern Wetlands Flora Guidebook ***LINK NOT FOUND***

Wetlands and the West Nile Virus ***LINKS TO OUR SITE?***

Where Rivers are Born: The Scientific Imperative for Defending Small Streams and Wetlands ***LINK NOT FOUND***

Where have Georgia's blue crabs gone? ***LINKS TO OUR SITE?***

Which wetlands deserve to be saved? Only the Corps knows ***LINKS TO OUR SITE?***