What's the Red? Iron Bacteria!
Additional Resources
- Where Rivers are Born: The Scientific Imperative for Defending Small Streams and Wetlands - a paper presenting how the health and productivity of rivers and lakes depend upon small streams and wetlands
- Get The Dirt Out - a self-guided training from Chattahoochee Riverkeeper that teaches citizens how to spot construction sites that don’t comply with clean water laws and what to do about it
- Society for Freshwater Science - Stay Fresh! - a regularly updated list of recent scientific publications in the field of freshwater sciences
Georgia Water Quality Laws and Regulations - a document detailing important Georgia water quality regulations 1957-present
Chemical Parameters and Bacteria:
- Dissolved Oxygen and Water - USGS Water Science School
What is Turbidity and Why is it Important? - EPA Volunteer Water Quality Monitoring
- Chattahoochee River BacteriALERT Realtime Monitoring - USGS South Atlantic Water Science Center
Macroinvertebrate Identification:
- Macroinvertebrate Quiz - identification quiz by Atlas of Common Freshwater Macroinvertebrates
- Name That Bug - identification quiz by Ray Swords
- Know Your Macros - macroinvertebrate slideshow with identification tips by Michael Clapp
Macros In Tray
- Macroinvertebrate Identification Game - by Allegheny College
- Aquatic Insects of American Trout Streams - repository of macroinvertebrate photos by TroutNut
Macroinvertebrate Key - by Kentucky Water Watch Program
- #MysteryMacro Quiz - collection of #MysteryMacro posts with answers by Stroud Water Research Center
- Save our Streams Resources for Monitors - 'Know Your Macros' resources by Izaak Walton League of America
- Aqua Bugs (Google Play Store or Apple Store) - an easy-to-use, step-by-step identification app of the most common macroinvertebrates by Isaac Walton League
Amphibian Identification
- USGS Frog Quiz - frog call quiz by USGS
Frogging by Ear - frog call guide by Linda May, Georgia DNR
- "Calls of the Wild" - a CD of Georgia frog calls by Georgia DNR
- Amphibians in Your Backyard - list of amphibians likely to use backyard habitats by Georgia DNR
- Metro Atlanta Amphibian Monitoring Program - downloadable frog calls, photos and descriptions of common frogs and salamanders by MAAMP
Cope's gray treefrog
- Amphibians of South Carolina and Georgia - species information, images, and distribution maps by UGA Savannah River Ecology Laboratory
- Amphibians of Chattahoochee National Recreation Area - photo list of frogs and salamanders in CRNRA by NPS