About Georgia Adopt-A-Stream
Georgia Adopt-A-Stream (AAS) is housed in the NonPoint Source Program in the Water Protection Branch of the Georgia Environmental Protection Division. The program is funded by a Section 319(h) Grant.
Georgia Adopt-A-Stream has five program goals that we encourage you to ADOPT!
- Increase public Awareness of the State's nonpoint source pollution and water quality issues
- Collect quality baseline water quality Data
- Gather Observations
- Encourage Partnerships between citizens and their local government
- Provide citizens with the Tools and Training to evaluate and protect their local waterways
To accomplish these goals, Georgia Adopt-A-Stream encourages individuals and communities to monitor and/or improve sections of streams, wetlands, lakes or estuaries through several levels of involvement. Manuals, training, and technical support are provided through Georgia EPD and more than 70 established Community/Watershed Adopt-A-Stream organizers.
Adopt-A-Stream Advisory Board
- Katherine Atteberry, Atlanta Regional Commision
- David Bell, Jacobs
- Steve Blackburn, EPA; Wetlands, Coastal & Ocean Branch
- Bob Bourne, Cobb County Water Quality Laboratory
- Jean Brown, Georgia Power Company
- Amanda Buice, Georgia Department of Education
- Lynn Cobb
- Dr. Stephen Golladay, Jones Ecological Research Center
- Shelly Krueger, Florida Sea Grant Agent
- Erin Lincoln, Tetra Tech
- Jan Mackinnon, GA DNR Coastal Resources Division
- Ruth Mead, Phinizy Center for Water Sciences
- James Moore, Georgia Association of Water Professionals
- Tara Muenz, Stroud Water Research Center
- Katie Owens, The Nature Conservancy
- Jessica Sterling, Chattahoochee Riverkeeper
- Sarah Sweat, Tennessee Aquarium Conservation Institute
- Jessica Warren, Cooperative Extension,Camden County
- Tony Wasilewski, GTRI / EOSL
- Dr. Tom Weiland, Georgia Southwestern State University
Adopt-A-Stream Staff
Harold Harbert
Program Manager
Bailey Crapps
State Coordinator
Jenna Dodson
State Coordinator
Jackie Encinas
Program Assistant
Cecilia Nachtmann
Program Assistant
Kate Carson
Program Assistant