
About Georgia Adopt-A-Stream

Georgia Adopt-A-Stream (AAS) is housed in the NonPoint Source Program in the Water Protection Branch of the Georgia Environmental Protection Division. The program is funded by a Section 319(h) Grant.

Georgia Adopt-A-Stream has five program goals that we encourage you to ADOPT!

  • Increase public Awareness of the State's nonpoint source pollution and water quality issues
  • Collect quality baseline water quality Data
  • Gather Observations
  • Encourage Partnerships between citizens and their local government
  • Provide citizens with the Tools and Training to evaluate and protect their local waterways

To accomplish these goals, Georgia Adopt-A-Stream encourages individuals and communities to monitor and/or improve sections of streams, wetlands, lakes or estuaries through several levels of involvement. Manuals, training, and technical support are provided through Georgia EPD, Adopt-A-Stream Regional Training Centers and more than 50 established Community/Watershed Adopt-A-Stream organizers.

Adopt-A-Stream Advisory Board

James Moore, Georgia Association of Water Professionals
Katherine Atteberry, Jacobs Engineering Group
Melanie Biersmith, UGA, Cooperative Extension
Steve Blackburn, EPA; Wetlands, Coastal & Ocean Branch
Bob Bourne, Cobb County Water Quality Laboratory
Amanda Buice, Georgia Department of Education
Lynn Cobb
Tony Dodd
, FP-C, Georgia Power Company; Env. Affairs
Dr. Stephen Golladay, Jones Ecological Research Center
Shelly Krueger, Florida Sea Grant Agent
Jan Mackinnon, GA Department of Natural Resources
Ruth Mead, Phinizy Center for Water Sciences
Tom Mills, Greenshortz.com
Tara Muenz, Stroud Water Research Center
Katie Owens, The Nature Conservancy
Jeremy Smith, Watershed Protection Branch
Jason Ulseth, Upper Chattahoochee Riverkeeper
Tony Wasilewski, GTRI / EOSL
Dr. Tom Weiland, Georgia Southwestern State University

Adopt-A-Stream Staff


Harold Harbert, Watershed Outreach Manager 
[email protected] 


Seira Baker, State Coordinator 
[email protected] 


Mary Lou Hoffacker, State Coordinator 
[email protected] 